Well, we have been home since Monday, and I thought I would give a little update about how the week has been going. Stacy is working on a post that will give more pictures of the weeks activities, but since it had been so long (3 days) since the last update, we thought we should add something.
So this week... We had 3 appointments to go to. One each day (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) we have found that it takes a whole lot longer to do anything now with him. With him eating every 2 to 3 hours, we have to plan around that. Today, Friday, we had no appointments, so it was great to finally sit at home and relax.
We have had lots of wonderful food provided for us. Stacy's Mom cooked for us one night (Thanks Patsy!), our small group is bring by meals (Thanks Fusion XO!), and my Mom's book club sent food with her (Thanks Book Club!). It is great to have so much food in the house that the problem is which of the wonderful meals do I want to eat now.
On Wednesday, my Mom came over from Dalton, GA to help out for a few days. She has been helping out with all those little things that we just haven't had time to do like washing clothes and washing dishes. In 48 hours, I think she has done 20 loads of laundry for our clothes, Will's clothes, towels, sheets, dogs' sofa covers, etc. Thanks Mom for all the help.
Tomorrow we get to decorate for Christmas. I was able to run out to Home Depot today and buy a tree so we could have someone help decorate. Sunday we will have one last Thanksgiving celebration with Stacy's Family. It will be the big Thanksgiving dinner that we missed last week.
Well I couldn't end the post without adding pictures of Will. He is growing up so much, 8lbs 12oz, yesterday at the doctor and measured 21 inches today.

He's becoming bright eyed more every day.
He can sleep in about any position.
He might need a haircut already to get rid of the pony tail in the back.
A very rare moment of him crying