Mommy and I went to the zoo on Wednesday with some of our friends. We had so much fun! I even got to feed a giraffe!!
Jaime, Crosby and Rayce feeding a goat. I was a little too worried about my fingers to try that. They're very brave though.

Here I am pretending I'm in the Bahamas with the fancy fish (or fishes since I'm referring to several different species...)

Aren't the elephants huge?

Here's the new floor Daddy installed. It's fun to slip and slide on!

Mommy and I got to feed the giraffe some lettuce! It had a rough, rubbery tongue!

Ms. Jett and Rayce are feeding the colorful birds nectar.

Mommy and I took a turn too!

This looked like a good spot to take a rest!

I was really worn out after my big day!

Mommy wanted eveyone to see how handsome I am in my new outfit`

Love to you all!