Aren't my velvet pants cool?!?

It's official! I'm a real, live baby! I got my birth certificate in the mail a few days ago :-)

This is me and my Daddy's cousin Watts. Isn't he cool? We had a great time playing!

I've had a couple of requests to see pictures of my room. Here it is!
Mommy says it's still a work in progress.

My Daddy made this changing table piece to fit on top of my dresser. Aunt Ellis painted this picture for Mommy and Daddy a few years ago and it works perfectly in my room!

Aunt Ellis painted the animals for me too. Grandpa and Grammy's friend Steve painted the cool Corvette and Aubie on this window with my name. Isn't it awesome?!?

I love to watch my mobile and talk to the animals around the bumper in my crib.

This is Pierre the bear. My Mommy was very excited to finally get a chainsaw carving. She watches them being made at the fair every time she can!
In other news: Ike is starting physical therapy today! I think he's going to walk on a treadmill that's underwater - wow!
Will I love to see your round tummy- I could just kiss it!
I love your velvet pants! They are so high style! And I agree with your mom, that bear lamp is the essence of awesome! You are too cute!!!!
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