The snow started about 6:30 tonight and we already have over 3 inches [8:00pm]. If it keeps up through the night like it should, I should have a good base for snowboarding down our gravel road in the morning.
Will might even get out and join me.
We will post more picture of the fun tomorrow.
Update [9:30pm]:
We are up to almost 5 inches and still snowing. We went out and played in the snow for about an hour. Stacy built 3 snow people and 2 snow dogs. I tried to snowboard down the road. The snow is actually too wet right now. Maybe it will freeze a little over night to make it better to ride in. But here are pictures of tonights fun...
he looks concerned! I would be too with daddy talking about snowboarding in 3 inches of snow ;)
Will is still my favorite snowbunny!!
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