Helping Daddy with the laundry

Watching tv with Ike while Mommy's not looking

Getting some face time with Mr. Ike

Hanging out in the bed with Mommy after bathtime

Going on walks (Thanks, Ella!)

Mommy thinks she's spying on me through the peep hole, but I really have my mirrors rigged up so I can spy on her!

This is our road in spring. Isn't it pretty?

Walks can be tiring

Here's me posing for my passport picture - you never know when you'll get an invite to go somewhere cool last minute - gotta be ready...haha you look funny tilting your head like that!

Practicing my skydiving positions

Hope you're all having as much fun as I am!!!
Love, The Willster
Will so glad to see so many pictures of you. You are my favorite little one in the whole world. You are so sweet and I miss you already. Enjoy your first spring my little buddy!!
I LOVE the passport picture. That is AWESOME! Speaking of which...I need to go get mine done!
He's such a handsome little guy!
Curtness! Will's dialogues always make me laugh.
umm, cuteness, I mean. What is curtness?
I love the skydiving picture! Very cute! And I too love the commentaries!
I'm jealous! Will you are one busy fellow! Make sure you don't forget to pause so Mommy can get a nap from time to time!
I love it when Will finds time to write a post all on his own. Such a witty boy. :)
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