Will thoroughly enjoys twisting sock monkey's hair :-)

Will's posing with the fun sign Andy (and I) made for Leland and Lydia's wedding weekend.

Will had a most excellent time playing in the pirate ship water table at Crosby's 3rd birthday.

One awesome tractor at the strawberry farm!

Ride 'em cowboy!

What's in the bag?

Easter egg hunt! He got one in the basket all by himself!

Some great pictures Carol's friend Judy took at the wedding.

I love it!

2 out of 3 :-)

My handsome boy...

Cabbage (or strawberry) patch Will.

We ate a lot of strawberries that day...and yes it is a leash :-)

Last summer...my how they've grown.

Will and Caitlyn

A stroll down memory lane...

Crosby's checking it out.
Oh Willster I could look at pictures of you everyday and I do!!!
Sir William seems to be in total control with the leash! I love it!
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