We love Lincoln so much. He brought us so many smiles -watching him circle, scratching the carpet to make the perfect nest for sleeping - being disappointed in that nest and thinking perhaps the carpet two feet away will move a bit more and make a better nest. Seeing him run carefree full speed through the yard. Hearing him bark at the deer in the backyard for hours on end. Cuddling with him while the "lap dog" was laying on top of you on the couch. Seeing Will play with his best buddy and giving him hugs. Hearing his saggy face flopping in the breeze with his head hanging out the car window. The offended look on his face when he put his head out the window in the rain and got wet. His curly tail. Sniffing and sniffing and sniffing. Getting an Alabama fan to say, "Well, you've just got to say War D*mn Eagle to that." Letting Crosby (as a wee tike) put his finger up his nose and just looking at me saying, "Please make him stop." Alerting us to someone at the door. Hearing the garage door open, how he came out to greet the car then took off high speed to the backyard to make a lap. His gentle, loving nature - full of goodwill and contentedness. Frisking about with his buddies Max and Porthos, then sleeping the other 95% of the day. Loving so unconditionally. We are going to miss him...

Lincoln is the 3rd, Ike is the 4th.
He loved being fast

Not afraid to get dirty

War Eagle!!

Cuddling even though the new one that smells funny was there.
Cuddling even though the new one that smells funny was there.
Synchronized posing and sleeping and dreaming.

Keeping everyone warm when the heat's broken (or when camping in 20 degree weather!)


Watching the world

Shopping. Merry Christmas

Hanging with Max

Letting Will hang with them too

Feeling the love

Ensuring the yard is well watched

I love my babies

The greatest sandbox ever

Watching the world
Shopping. Merry Christmas
Hanging with Max
Letting Will hang with them too
Feeling the love
Ensuring the yard is well watched

I love my babies

The greatest sandbox ever
So very sad but what a loving tribute! He truly knew how to enjoy life and you guys gave him a great one. Sending hugs your way. Farewell Lincoln. :(
Those two Villanow Hounds really knew how to pick a great family. The time went so fast-seems like they were just puppies yesterday. I remember the day at the farm we took those puppy pictures. Thank you for sharing this story with all of us- so so sweet and dear. The sadness goes but the love remains.
Beautiful pictures Stacy. A very nice tribute.
Aww, those pics made me tear up. I can't imagine the heartache you all feel since he and Ike were such a part of the family. Seeing Will with him is so sweet.. Sending my love.
So sorry about Lincoln, Stacy. I know you will all miss him!
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