Most people would say a dog or a cat or a normal family pet. Well not the Eskews.
We keep a large bag of dog food in the garage and usually it is in a big Rubbermaid bucket without a top on it. Apparently there are a lot of things that like dog food besides dogs.
Recently I started finding dog food pieces in several odd places. They would be in a box, in my bag of softballs, and today I found some in the hood of my Expedition. So 1) we are pretty sure we have mice living in the garage.
The other day I was getting something off a set of shelves in the garage and heard some squealing. I looked around and at eye level noticed this bird's nest with 3 or 4 baby birds in it. This would explain the random bird that "accidentally" flies into the garage through the open back door. So 2) we have birds living in our garage.
Today when Stacy got home and was walking into the house, she noticed something on the side of the steps going into the house. She found this little non-poisionous snake crawling up the steps in the garage. She didn't take to kindly to a snake being in her garage so she smashed its head with a hammer. For reference it is only 12 inches long and the size of a pencil. So 3) we did have a snake living in our garage.
Some other animals that we have had living in our garage at some point over the last year:
4) slugs, which apparently love to eat dog food.
5) a raccoon, which the guys didn't bother to notice as it sat 20 feet away on the steps eating dog food. I found it as I was walking out the back door.
6) a possum, which also likes the dog food.
Who needs to go to the zoo when you can go into your garage and find a different animal each week? It appears that all these animals are somewhat related to the dog food sitting out, so I guess we will have to start hiding the dog food in a better place than in the garage. Once the birds grow up and move out, we will be disassembling their nest and placing it back outside.