Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kayaking in Florida

On several different vacations, we have talked about and even tried to go kayaking but it hasn't ever worked out. Well, at the beginning of October, we took a vacation to Florida and finally got to go kayaking. We started from the Cocoa Beach Country Club and toured around some of the smaller islands and canals on the Indian River side of the big island that Cocoa Beach sits on. Stacy's brother, John, and his wife, Mary, came along. We all had a great time paddling around seeing nature. We saw lots of different types of birds, a dolphin and the coolest thing of all, manatee.The manatee were extremely friendly and would even push your kayak around. As you can see in the pictures, they were very close. You just wanted to reach out and pet them, which we couldn't do since they are an endangered species.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How young is too young to race go-karts?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lincoln update

Lincoln had his follow up xray last weekend and the tumor is about the same size. So we'll keep giving him the medicines...He seems to be coughing a little less and continues to run around and bark at something in the backyard almost continuously. I'm sure the neighbors are pleased :-) I think the plan is to just keeping giving him these medicines (probably not any more follow up xrays) until something changes.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Preparation for what?

Preparation is the key...especially when your mother is a PICU nurse.