Monday, April 27, 2009

Could I get a little help here?

Apparently Daddy didn't appreciate me helping to hold my bottle while eating so he said we were going to take a little break. I was still hungry though...
I'm pretty sure I can do this just put that soft rubbery part in your mouth right?
Maybe I'll bring my mouth down to it.
This seems right... come nothing's coming out?
Oh well, guess I'll let Daddy do it for now...
Love to you all!
The Willster

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I am 5 months old

I had lots of adventures over the last 2 months. Because I had so many other adventures, I didn't take the time to post my 4 month pictures with the turtle. I did take them, so after taking my 5 month pictures today, I've posted both 4 and 5 month pictures for you to peruse. They are in the list to the right. You can click on the little slide show to see a bigger version of it.

My newest ability of the month is being able to sit on my turtle by myself. My parents still keep a hand near, cause I still like to nose dive sometimes, but I am getting more stable day by day. In these 2 pictures below you can see at 4 months I had to hold a finger to stay up. In today's 5 month photo shoot, I sat for a long time on the turtle with no one holding me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Grandpa! Happy Birthday to you!!! And many more!!! Playing in the exersaucer - what fun! (Thanks, Alex!)
My friend, Caitlyn, doesn't seem so sure about sharing her couch with me...

We are cute though :-)

I think she's checking me out!
I do look good in my Earth Day outfit! Go earth!
She's pretty good looking herself!

We're still trying to figure out how to hold hands :-)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So what lives in your garage?

Most people would say a dog or a cat or a normal family pet. Well not the Eskews.

We keep a large bag of dog food in the garage and usually it is in a big Rubbermaid bucket without a top on it. Apparently there are a lot of things that like dog food besides dogs.

Recently I started finding dog food pieces in several odd places. They would be in a box, in my bag of softballs, and today I found some in the hood of my Expedition. So 1) we are pretty sure we have mice living in the garage.

The other day I was getting something off a set of shelves in the garage and heard some squealing. I looked around and at eye level noticed this bird's nest with 3 or 4 baby birds in it. This would explain the random bird that "accidentally" flies into the garage through the open back door. So 2) we have birds living in our garage.

Today when Stacy got home and was walking into the house, she noticed something on the side of the steps going into the house. She found this little non-poisionous snake crawling up the steps in the garage. She didn't take to kindly to a snake being in her garage so she smashed its head with a hammer. For reference it is only 12 inches long and the size of a pencil. So 3) we did have a snake living in our garage.

Some other animals that we have had living in our garage at some point over the last year:
4) slugs, which apparently love to eat dog food.
5) a raccoon, which the guys didn't bother to notice as it sat 20 feet away on the steps eating dog food. I found it as I was walking out the back door.
6) a possum, which also likes the dog food.

Who needs to go to the zoo when you can go into your garage and find a different animal each week? It appears that all these animals are somewhat related to the dog food sitting out, so I guess we will have to start hiding the dog food in a better place than in the garage. Once the birds grow up and move out, we will be disassembling their nest and placing it back outside.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I had a nice nap with Mommy and Lincoln - what a great couch!
Then we all went for a boat ride at Moss Lake - Daddy asked Mommy why she wasn't wearing her bathing suit and she said it was too cold! I don't know why though - Lincoln and Ike didn't seem to think to was too cold to swim and I thought it was kind of hot sitting in the boat. I was ready to go play in the water, but apparently they think I still need "supervision" above and beyond what the guys can provide.
Mommy readjusted my life jacket for me so I could see out - just not bend my was much more comfy though :-) I liked riding in the boat. I watched everything go by and felt the wind in my hair for about 3 minutes then I took a nap... I thought it was appropriate that I was wearing my cool turtle pirate outfit too!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Family Portraits

All it took was a thunderstorm to get the guys to love on Will...

Our first family portrait!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What I've been doing

Helping Daddy with the laundry Watching tv with Ike while Mommy's not looking
Getting some face time with Mr. Ike

Hanging out in the bed with Mommy after bathtime

Going on walks (Thanks, Ella!)

Mommy thinks she's spying on me through the peep hole, but I really have my mirrors rigged up so I can spy on her!

This is our road in spring. Isn't it pretty?

Walks can be tiring

Here's me posing for my passport picture - you never know when you'll get an invite to go somewhere cool last minute - gotta be ready...haha you look funny tilting your head like that!

Practicing my skydiving positions

Hope you're all having as much fun as I am!!!
Love, The Willster

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Eskew Men

Aren't my men handsome?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A few wedding pictures and Will's first time to the lake

We got a few pictures off my mom and grandparents' cameras, but it seems we were all too busy having a good time to take many pictures! So I guess we're still waiting for the true documentation of the wedding from the photographer...
There were a couple other pictures on her camera too - Here's Will's first trip to the lake.
Apparently it was cold that day!
Four generations of Hesters and Stitts...

John and Daddy getting ready for the wedding.

My mom and Will dancing - good times!

Mary and the bridesmaids (although we were all technically matrons) at the luncheon.

Mary and the moms

Aunt Linda, Mummy, Aunt Ginger, Aunt Barbara and me!

The view off the veranda at the Grove Park Inn - where the luncheon was

The fireplace at the Crest Center in Asheville - it was gorgeous.

If you notice the picture on the far left, Will looks a lot like John did when he was little

The cake was tasty too!

Notice the view in the background!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This past weekend...

Well we don't have any pictures from this weekend, cause we didn't use our camera and haven't gotten copies from the others who did take pictures. We will get them soon but in the meantime you have to watch this video. Sunday night we went to see ventriloquist Jeff Dunham and his cast of characters for my birthday (which was last month). It was hilarious!