Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lincoln update

Lincoln has had a couple bad nights over the past few days. Stacy's taken him to the emergency vet a couple of times for him not being able to catch his breath. He got some sedation drugs to help calm him down and relax. We are going to see how he feels after the sedation drugs wear off and take him to the regular vet if he continues to have problems today. Yesterday he was doing great sitting outside and riding in the car. He even barked for 2 hours last night before coming in the house at 10:30. He just can’t get comfortable to lie down and sleep and that causes anxiety and heavy breathing which leads to less good breaths and more anxiety.

We ask for prayers for us and Lincoln as we decided what is the right thing to do for him and peace in dealing with what is to come.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

In a box Andy's uncle made for him years and years ago. Peek a boo

Will thinks his new birthday car backpack from Aunt Ellis is great! Thank you! Got some treasures in the backpack, a turkey hat on, 4th of July jammies. He's ready to party!

Sorry for the random order. Apparently, texts and emails arrive at different rates. I'm sure you can figure it out though. A carried is a good time to get it updated puncturing.

This is what boots are for, right?

Fun at the fair

Happy birthday and War Eagle!

So cute

Pumpkin picking in October...yeah, yeah...better late than never

For some reason he thought he couldn't use his hands Yum

Ta Da

Happy birthday to you

And after


Birthday muffin

Tuffy wasn't so sure he liked Will after the third day of non-stop chase

Look mommy

Fun at the zoo!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lots of chicken, meatballs-I don't have to touch raw meat!, milk, ice cream - everything on the list. No clipped coupons (I did use a page from the entertainment book though) $30 !

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Will found a DVD of Bob the Builder that had a toy Scoop included - of course he wanted to play immediately.

Andy reminded him to tell Mommy thank you for the toy. The conversation went as follows:

W - Thank you, Mommy, Bob ba Builder

A - Thank you, Mommy, FOR Bob the Builder

W -Thank you, Mommy, for...(thinking)

W -Thank you, Mommy, five...

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Every kid needs sunglasses on a car trip

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How much more boy can you get? Camping shirt, camo pants and spider shoes...

Monday, November 8, 2010

The kid's getting older

Some days he looks so much older than 23 months.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Will -isms

When Will wants to be picked up he says, "Hold you. Hold you."

Apparently Andy and Will eat a Chic-fil-A a lot. When I tell him he is going to eat with Daddy and ask where he wants to go, he yells, "CHICKIN!" When he sees a cow he immediately yells, "CHICKIN!"
After finishing his chicken tender, he wanted another, but they were all gone. He looked across the aisle in the food court and started yelling towards the Chic-fil-A, "Lady, Chicken. More (with vigorous sign language) chicken, please. Lady, chicken. Please, more."

He likes to try to wake up bunny when he's tired of being in the crib by standing in that corner of his crib and yelling, "Wake bunny! Wake bunny!" When bunny wakes up and he's ready to get out, he yells, "Bunny wake! Mommy, bunny wake!"

Every night when he's getting ready for bed, we ask what he wants to pray about. He usually lists family members and dogs and friends, but occasionally, "Bobby" is in the list. Does anyone know who Bobby is?

He loves dancing. Walk by some music, turn on the radio, sing a song and he can't stop himself - he's just got to dance a moment. He really likes dancing with someone too - especially the spins - those get belly laughs.

He loves his jammies.

He tells everything "bye" as he's leaving. "Bye window, bye bear, bye paci, bye blankie, bye light, by books, by otter."

He loves getting all the cushions off the couch and "fumble"ing on them. Or playing in a cushion house. Or walking on the track. Or wrestling. Or "pounce"ing. Or hiding. He likes hiding anywhere. Hiding=turning into a corner (or somewhere his face is hidden) and yelling, "Hide." Then you're supposed to look around for him. When you "find" him, he is so pleased with himself and starts laughing. He thinks he's very sneaky.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cocoa Beach, FL

On our Florida vacation, we rented a condo on the beach. It was great and gave us lots of time each day to get out on the beach and play. Here is a slide show of the fun. To see the album of pictures, click the slide show and it will take you to it.