We have finally gotten around to posting pictures from Christmas, so check back over the next few days to see more new pictures.
While in Dalton for Christmas with my (Andy's) family. We visited a petting zoo. Ok it isn't an official petting zoo but rather a family's farm where they have some exotic animals. The Norville's (parents of television's Inside Edition host
Deborah Norville) have a farm on the edge of Dalton,
map here if you want to go. On the farm, they have camels, mules, emus, miniature zebras, miniature horses, cows, and lots of other animals. To get to the animals, you drive down the Norville's long driveway. When you stop the animals know why you are their and they come running over to say "Hay?". We didn't have any hay so we brought bread for them. They still loved it. We all had a great time feeding the animals. Now that we know the animals are there, we will definitely be going back every time we are in Dalton.