Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Where's the best place to let a 1 year old paint? In the tub of course.


repoandalpo said...

Will you can waddle over to my house any time you want to. Kisses and I'll see you soon. I've got 2 of Christian's childhood books to read to you. Hint One is about Spot

brian said...

Hey there UGA Fans,

You've been warned: The Fighting Texas Aggies are pretty dangerous. I hope you all make it through the end of the game without too much emotional distress.

Even when our team does not play well---our band is the best in the nation. How's that for you?

Actually, we have a really BAD record against SEC teams but I had to talk trash just a little.

Love the photos of the boy. I have a little girl that can give him a run for his money on creating a total mess with food.