Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Problem Solving at it's finest

Conversation in the car on the way to Andy's softball game:

Will: I need some cheese
Andy: There's some in your plastic bag
W: No, I ate it at school
(Andy turned the car lights on)
A: Look. There's some more in your plastic bag
W: The cheese is peeking out of the ham!
A: Yeah, eat that (Turned off lights)
W: I need the light!
A: No, we can't have the lights on while I'm driving
W: Turn on the light. I need the light.

Silence about minute, rustling

W: Aha!
(Andy turned around to see Will had turned on the lights of his "flashlight" hat - it has a couple LEDs under the brim)
A: That's a good idea.
W: I thinked about it