Monday, March 28, 2011

Look what I got!!

Look what I got!!! Isn't it awesome? Don't you love it? I love it. It's so much better to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy when we're reading books before naptime and bedtime than the squeaky chair was...It's really a bit more cream than this picture shows - not quite so oyster. I'm practicing my "whites."

Betcha can't find me in this one. I'm very sneaky.

Ahhhh...naptime on the couch is the best. Now only if there was some football (or baseball or Madagascar on tv...No, who am I kidding? I would never sleep if there was a tv...)


Kevina said...

I love it Stacy! You are a great writer :). Didn't know about the bluetooth cordless - will definitely be telling Jason about that one.

Jennie said...

I love the new couch!!!!